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Vertical Credit Spreads

A credit spread is one of the safest and most successful strategies there is. Learn more about vertical credit spreads and boost your trading account.

How to Trade in Trending Markets

A lot of money can be made by simply riding a trend. Not only is going with the trend wise, buying and holding a position for weeks is less stressful than day trading.

Horizontal Debit Spreads

The horizontal debit spread (often called a calendar spread or time spread) is a neutral strategy when constructed using at-the-money options. As such, it is a good strategy to use in a choppy, sideways market.

The Beauty of Combinational Strategies

Options are enormously flexible in the ways you can use them. TradingMarkets contributor Len Yates gives his expert advise on using combination-option strategies to simulate your portfolio.

Buying Deep In-the-Money Options

Len Yates shows you how to buy deep ITM options -a good way to carry out directional trading in high volatility market environments.

How to Write Covered Calls

Covered writing, also known as a “buy write”, is often touted as a safe way to generate extra income from a stock portfolio, and the Short Covered Call is often an investor’s first introduction to trading options.

Choosing the Best Option to Trade

The advantage of options is that when you’re correct about the direction of the market, gains are unlimited. When wrong, losses are limited…