I Was Doing My Commentary When Goran Grabbed The Keyboard And Went Nuts
The markets yesterday left us with more confusion than direction. Reviewing
commentary from last week to this week shows me very clearly just how little
we’ve accomplished in terms of market advancement. The major stock indexes
are right back to the same support areas that have provided support for the
past two weeks. We essentially treaded water between support and
levels for the past 10 trading sessions as everyone waited, with bated
breath, for the earth-shattering Federal Reserve rate announcement. So,
that we have it, where do we go from here?
Given this lack of direction, I am updating the Nasdaq 100 index, the S&P
100 index and the Biotechnology charts from last week, including new
comments that reflect the current levels of support and resistance. We’ll
have to let people ponder the Fed’s decision and their accompanying remarks and see who’s stronger; the
bulls or the bears.
The markets have to trade on their own now — there’s no imminent "Magic Fed
Medicine" to move us. We’ve still got the potential for some major
earnings warnings out there. On the other hand, we’ve got the famed "window
dressing" that should run through Friday. (Although judging from the action
this week in the best performing stock of the quarter, I’d say most of the
window dressing may already be finished.) All we can do as traders is know
our levels of support and resistance in your selected indexes and stocks and get
on the right side of them.
One more quick chart showing an update to a Retailing Index (RLX) play I
suggested last week: