Tainted Love

I feel I’ve got to…run away

I’ve got to…get away from the pain

The love we shared, seems to go nowhere

and I’ve lost my light…for I toss and turn I can’t sleep at night

once I ran to you……now I run from you

this tainted love you’ve given, I give you all a boy can give you

take my tears and that’s not nearly all……tainted love

Don’t touch me please, I cannot stand the way you tease

I love you but you hurt me so

Now I’m going to pack my things and go

Love by SoftCell

We certainly
witnessed history today.
Cisco Systems, the undisputed
champion of the technology sector, missed its quarterly earnings
for the first time in the company’s history. As a result,
love-child Juniper Networks sold off hard as well and took the
of the second-tiers and momentum names down with it.

As Cisco Systems is one of the
top-five most widely held stocks in the
it should be interesting what mutual fund and 401-K statements will

look like at the end of

The Nasdaq Composite
staged a small rally during the last 30 minutes of
as it followed the lead of the March Nasdaq futures which obviously

experienced some short
covering towards the end of the session. All in all,
much to get excited about even though the index closed well off its

intraday lows. At this
stage of the game, being a spectator with this index
be the wisest thing to do.

The Dow, on the other hand, failed for
the third time in the past four sessions to
above the 11,000 level. At this time, the Dow is setting up for a
selloff if it can’t muster up a sustained move above the 11,030

As I have a scheduling conflict this
afternoon, I will not be able to issue
“standard” type of commentary today. I’ll return tomorrow with my full

daily analysis and satire.

Thank you and have a pleasant evening.
