Thrust, Pause, Pivot

The nature of a strongly trending stock is to thrust, pause and pivot back in
the direction of the trend. What this means to you as a trader is that you must
have the patience to continue to stalk a stock over days, and possibly weeks, to
pull every opportunity you can out of the move.




 Ball Corp. (BLL)
is pulling back from its recent high.
BLL is now down 0.10 at 68.50 and is
holding a

3-month relative strength ranking of 89
with an uptrending ADX of 39 from



TradersWire profiled
the last two pullbacks, and the latest one (profiled yesterday) is now
triggering today. Solid moves from a pretty conservative stock – the maker of
the famous Ball jar. If you miss the first pullback, don’t despair, there will
more than likely be at least two more to follow up before the music stops.

Until tomorrow,
