Build Your Own Professional Portfolio: Test Drive The Machine for Free

In less than six minutes, you can see how easy it is to build data-driven, multi-strategy trading portfolios that not only beat the S&P 500, but are consistently profitable and have minimal drawdowns.

Less than six minutes away from leaving buy and hold forever. Less than six minutes away from saying “goodbye” the world of rumor, emotion and spin.  Less than six minutes away from being an active driver of your financial future instead of just being a passenger in somebody else’s car.

Starting this weekend TradingMarkets is providing special, free access to a demo of The MachineThe Machine is the first financial trading and investing software resource that helps traders combine quantified, short term trading strategies for stocks and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) into high return, low volatility investment portfolios.

And you can build your first very portfolio on The Machine today.  In less than six minutes.

ART chart

The Machine is like nothing else available to individual traders and professional money managers alike.  With literally thousands of quantified variations on some of the most successful and profitable strategies ever created by Larry Connors and Connors Research, The Machine combines vigorous statistical sophistication with a straightforward, easy-to-use design. 

And from long and short mean reversion strategies with exchange-traded funds to trend following strategies in stocks, The Machine is specifically built to help traders persevere and prosper in any market environment.

Said Larry Connors, “You want to come into the market each day saying, ‘it doesn’t really make a difference if the market rises or declines or goes side to side.  I have strategies to cover all three scenarios.'” 

See for yourself this weekend with a free test drive of The Machine.

If you are you ready to make 2011 your best trading year yet, then you owe it to yourself to take a free test drive of The Machine this weekend.  No emotions.  No buy and hold.  And no one else’s opinion.  Just data-driven decisions that you control. 

Click here to access the new demo version of The Machine now.

David Penn is Editor in Chief of