The Big Saturday Interview with Ian Wyatt, author of The Small Cap Investor

Click here to access our Big Saturday Interview with Ian Wyatt, author of The Small-Cap Investor: Secrets to Winning Big with Small-Cap Stocks

Small cap stocks have often been the most sought-after stocks for investors looking for growth. But in this post-2008 environment, are the opportunities for small cap investors as plentiful as they have been in the past? Do the potential risks of small cap stocks outweigh the potential rewards?

This week and next The Big Saturday Interview (click here to read Part 2) sits down with Ian Wyatt to discuss some of the advantages that the average retail investor has when it comes to small cap stock investing, as well as some of the ways that investors can get the information they need in order to distinguish which small cap stocks are more likely to outpeform their peers going forward. From IPOs to institutional ownership and from growth sectors to the proper way to read a financial statement, our first part of conversation with Ian Wyatt is an interesting insight into what it takes to find and invest in “great companies at bargain prices.”

Ian Wyatt is founder and president of Business Financial Publishing, acknowledged by Forbes as one of the fastest growing, private companies in the United States. He also operates a website,, which offers independent news, analysis and research for investors interested in learning more about investing in small cap stocks. He also maintains a blog at

To read our Big Saturday Interview with Ian Wyatt, click here.