7 ETF Pullbacks for Friday

The following 7 ETFs are the most oversold heading into Friday’s trading as measured by their 2-period RSI found in the TradingMarkets Screener:

1. USD
Emrg Mkts Bond Ishares
EMB 0.24 $121.27
S/T Muni Bd Barclays Capita
SHM 2.57 $24.37
EM Local Bond ETF Barclays
EBND 2.76 $32.18
Semiconductor Bear 3X Direxion
SOXS 3.97 $35.87
5. US
Natural Gas
UNG 5.78 $21.64
6. VIX
Mid-Term Futures ETN Ipath
VXZ 7.35 $30.07
7. G-X
FTSE Colombia 20 ETF
GXG 7.56 $21.67

Powered by the TradingMarkets Screener

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