Trading Markets

Boost Your Trading Profits with These 18 Essential Volatility Indexes


If you’ve spent time in the trading world, you know that success comes down to more than just market timing—it’s about understanding the full scope of the market’s behavior. That’s where volatility indices come into play. These aren’t just technical jargon; these are crucial metrics developed by the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE). Why should […]

The 20 Most Important Risk Management Tips for Traders


Risk control is the most important thing in trading. Risk control is the most important thing in trading. -Michael Steinhardt | Billionaire Hedge Fund Manager -Michael Steinhardt | Billionaire Hedge Fund Manager If you look at the most successful veteran traders, they usually only have one thing in common: they’re great at risk management. If […]

How to Manage Investment Information Overload

How To Manage Investment Information Overload

The internet is an amazing resource; but it has enabled an information-based society that is often plagued with excess. In financial markets, we often experience that excess as information overload and a low informational signal-to-noise ratio. What is “information overload”? First popularized in Alvin Toffler’s book Future Shock, it refers to the detrimental effect on […]

Update | Live Webinar with Larry Connors

Hi Everyone, I’d like to give you a quick update on the markets, TradingMarkets, and new research I’ve been working on with the assistance of Cesar Alvarez along with David and Matt. I’ll also share the details on a webinar (no cost) I’ll be holding in a few weeks to go further on the items […]

A Better Way To Protect Your Capital

A Better Way To Protect Your Capital Article Thumbnail

This past week was a historical week for the market on a number of fronts. The velocity of the decline in such a short period of time has rarely been seen and in a few cases never been seen before when the market was above its 200-day moving average. There was also excessive “hedge fund […]

A Trading Podcast For You, Plus Further Data From The Alpha Formula

We have two ways to grow your trading knowledge this weekend.  Chris recently did a podcast which we thought would be of interest to you. The podcast was with Alpha Mind, a podcast a number of us listen to and very much respect. The topics discussed include: Understanding how markets behave. Understanding our behavioral biases. […]

A New Trading Strategy and Quantamentals…

Click here to listen to the 45-minute webinar Larry Connors and Chris Cain held on Wednesday, December 11. Quantamentals is rapidly becoming the hottest area of trading for major hedge funds and traders throughout the world.  Quantamentals combines fundamental analysis, technical analysis and quantitative analysis stacking the largest edges together with the objective of achieving […]

Here’s How To Stack Trading Edges In Your Favor

Whether one uses technical analysis, fundamental analysis, or quantitative analysis, we’re all looking to do the same thing. Find the opportunities with the largest edges and look to profit from them while minimizing the risk. Connors Research, and the research which preceded the forming of our company, has been publishing market strategies and edges since […]

The Low Volatility Edge

One of the main takeaways from our recent Quantamentals course is that combining different edges together leads to greatly enhanced trading and investment results.   In our course, we specifically combined historical edges from Fundamental, Technical and Quantitative analysis to build high performing portfolios. This stacking of edges ultimately led to portfolios with double-digit returns and […]

The Relative Strength Momentum Edge

In last week’s Connors Research Trader’s Journal, we discussed the low volatility edge. This is the empirical observation that stocks with lower historical volatility tend to outperform stocks with higher historical volatility through time. Today we are going to present another edge to incorporate into your trading and investing models – relative strength momentum.   While […]