Trading Markets

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For Trading Success Be Open to Every Possibility

If you’re looking for a trading strategy to increase your potential for profit in the market, then try these simple tips by Kurt Eckhardt that are not only helpful for your trading survival but can also help you deal with the unexpected.

4 Ways to Think Like a Winning Trader

On paper, trading seems like a pretty simple equation. Yet it’s clear that the majority of traders lose more money than mere chance should statistically allow. Here are some ways and methods to think like a winning trader and to achieve a whole new level of understanding of the market.

The Importance of Position Sizing for Trend Trading

In these volatile markets, traders need to develop such flexibility that a long term position will be exited immediately rather than sitting with losses. Here are some useful strategies to help traders make better trading decisions for maximum gains.

How Disciplined Traders Measure Risks

The recent volatility in stocks, currencies and commodities has certainly caused most traders – even investors – to focus increasingly on self-discipline. TradingMarkets contributor Kurt Eckhardt discusses how to consistently measure risk and trade with discipline.

How I Use the Past to Predict Market Direction

Astute traders pay extraordinary attention to fractals in stock market data. TradingMarkets contributor Kurt Eckhardt takes a look to the past to compare analogous market action to the present.