Trading Markets

Stocks’ Gift Is On Its Way

The Federal Reserve is expected to deliver the market another half a percentage point cut in its primary monetary policy tool, the federal funds target rate. This would be the second half-point cut in just two weeks and a 1% total rate cut would represent a potentially tremendous ec

Brits Feel The Heat

The British pound
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PowerRating) is taking a hit,falling off multi-month highs after reporting weakness in key economic sectors.Similar to the US, Britains manufacturing sector has been suffering, butconstruction

The Market Handicaps The Fed

Federal fund futures contracts are pricing in a high likelihood of a .50 shave in the fed funds target rage, just one day ahead of the Feds FOMC meeting tomorrow. This would leave the key monetary policy tool at 2.50%. Many economists believe the Fed may act even more strongly to b

You Should Follow

Did you catch the follow through day? A follow through day occurs after a major bottom when one of the major indices rallies at least 2% on rising volume and is your first indication that a low could indeed hold. Friday, both the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq followed through, and the Dow, wh

Single Stock Futures — The Essentials

Markets continuously evolve and a new class of financial products is just onthe horizon. Single Stock Futures (SSFs). Unlike owning equities where you become part owner of a company, a single stock futuresis a derivative instrument where no ownership rights in a corporate entity areconferred. Rat

Finally, Some Good News

Followinga fortnight of disheartening news in the wake of the worst attackever on the US, the market finally got an indication that the economy may not bein as dire straits as many have feared. The market is also on track to close onits highs of the week, a positive sign for the bulls. Comin

OPEC Targets Prices

Crude oil is recovering from a steep slide that took the price of a barrel down more than $9 since Sept 17. In the third day of a reflex rally,November crude oils
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PowerRating)bounce was halted

Cocoa’s Critical Mass

When you see multiplegaps, laps and expansion bars as a market moves off a low, the commodity is talking. Take cocoa
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PowerRating). Since hitting triple bottoms on Sept. 5, the futures has left four gap