Trading Markets

What’s The BOJ To Do?

What can the Bank of Japan do? Interest rates are nearzero and it has bought more bonds (in an attempt to provide liquidity to theeconomy) than investors want or banks can use to re-lend. The economy is in an11-year slump and six of those have been with a near-zero interest rate. Economicactivity i

Euro & Swiss Launching

Spooked about the high value of the dollar relative toits major trading partners, the National Association of Manufacturers said itwill pressure government officials to reduce the value of the currency. Theorganization is concerned that an overvalued dollar will make USmanufactured goods more exp

Turtle Soup And Tails

As mentioned in last nights recap,September T-bonds
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PowerRating) did not respond by sellingoff after flight-to-safety buying yesterday following a stock index futures rallyand the spooz push through key resistanc

What Turtle Soup Can Do For You

Although they do not occur frequently, Turtle Soup setupscan alert you to reversals. Today we had Turtle Soup Plus One Buy setups in themajor market averages and have watched the indexes trade mostly in the greenafter an explosive late-session rally yesterday. The Nasdaq is down 7.44 at 2462.51, the

What’s The Cure For Tech?

Technology shares are taking a bath again following a second day of earningswarnings, this time from wireless leader Nokia. Earnings warnings from JuniperNetworks and semis equipment maker Du Pont Masks put a skittish Wall Street intoa selling mood yesterday and stocks are retreating again as the h

Sugar — Bitter Or Sweet?

Sugar has found a satisfactory price level between buyersand sellers in the 8.60 area over the past week but which way is it likely toresolve once it comes out of consolidation? The move is likely to belarger than normal based on sugars Multiple Days LowVolatility reading: contracts often explode