Trading Markets


One of the reasons traders have been selling the eurowith impunity down to all-time lows is a seeming lack of willingness by Europeantechnocrats to defend the currency. Euro FX futures
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PowerRating) rallied sharply,g


Oil and its derivative products are selling off astraders ditch longs and enter the weekend flat ahead of yet another highlyanticipated OPEC meeting which will set output policy through the end of theyear. Energy contracts are trading at 10-year records but comments from the oilminister of the world

Your Dollar At Work

Revised economic data from the Labor Department showed that productivity in the last quarter was stronger than originally calculated and increased three times as fast as in the first quarter of this year. Productivity was up from an estimated 5.3% to a 5.7% annualized pace, adding even more credulit

Devaluation Welcome

Comments by German Chancellor
Schroeder that he welcomes the decline of the emerging pan-continental currency

Eurocratic Clash = Euro Crash

Chicago Mercantile Exchange currency pits were closed Monday but the euro cavedin continental trading yesterday and the euro FX
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PowerRating) futures are playingcatch up to the downside as pit trading opens and trad

Hard Labor

Stock index futures popped higher in a bout of euphoria following
Friday morning’s roster

Economic Focus

Traders are focusing on economic growth rather thaninterest rate differentials in pricing currencies. The quarter-point rate-hikein Europe this week took the euro, Swiss franc and pound to contract lows. Butweaker-than-expected economic figures Friday morning in the US are prompting abig reversal in