Trading Markets

Coffee Talk

Coffee rallied off contract lows as traders squared positions in anticipation of

Heating Oil Vat Drains

The American Petroleum Institute released its weeklyreport after the energy markets closed Tuesday and depicted a situation goingfrom bad to worse. The report showed heating oil supplies were down 39% fromlevels one year ago, at a time when supplies traditionally are building for thewinter season. H

Oils Boil, Softs Evaporate

Heating oil rallied to a
new contract record while coffee and orange juice plunged to contract record

Confidence Shakes Swiss Franc

A much weaker-than-expected business-confidence surveyout of Germany is shaking up the euro, sending the nascent Euroland currency andits highly correlated brethren unit, the Swiss franc, to a new contract low.Swiss franc futures
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Natural Gas Turns Explosive

A deadly explosion at a New Mexico pipeline has cut supplies to some somewestern states, exacerbating an already tight supply situation in natural gas.Gas has posted its biggest up day since June, +6%, and is trading at a newcontract high. Nat gas continues to make good on aPullback From Highssetup

Cold Winter

Facing the prospects of insufficient supply to meetheating fuel demand, heating oil is rallying to new contract highs, shooting up nearly 3%, Thursday. On the Momentum-5List, heating oil is gaining steam following bullish comments fromVenezuelas oil minister. Ali Rodriguez, who is also acting as O

Major Dis

Stock index futures traders dismissed analysts’ concerns