Trading Markets

Factories Crank, Bonds Tank

Factory orders for the month of June posted their largestmonthly gain in over seven years. The rise shows the manufacturing sectorremains healthy, growing and potentially inflationary despite a recent flurry ofdata depicting an economic slowdown. Traders are waiting for the employmentreport slated f

Spurt Of Crude Dashes Oil

Resolve by the largest producer in OPEC to lower world
oil prices by pumping up production took some of the heat out of energy markets

OPEC Opens Spigot

Saudi Arabia, the largest producer within the Organization ofPetroleum Producing Nations (OPEC) said it would crank up oil production if abasket of oil it tracks does not fall below $25 a barrel. Energy prices gappedsharply lower following the statement made late Monday. Although there is littleexc

Fading The Majority

One day before the 4th of July holiday, metals, energies and
softs and fibers are not trading and other markets are running on a shortened

Greener Acres Husk Corn

Corn, wheat and soybeans are all sharply lower following a
bearish report by the United States Agricultural Department.

Greenspan Turns Stock Index Futures Red

Stock index futures are continuing lower after a late-session tumble Wednesdaythat developed in the aftermath of the Federal Reserves decision to leaveinterest rates unchanged. The market seems to be saying that the Fed may haveraised rates too much, perhaps slowing the economy excessively. Lewis

Gold Presages Fed Inaction

Gold is following through on Tuesdays late rally,providing an early indication that the Fed will not raise interest rates at itsFOMC meeting Wednesday. Gold is still viewed by some as a hedge againstinflation. Despite a slow-down in the economy, inflation could be creeping intothe economy due to h

Nat Gas Turned On High

Natural gas gapped above its recent, expanded consolidation range and is trading
at a fresh contract high.