Trading Markets

You’ve Got To Earn It

Stocks are down slightly and consolidating gains made off the Sept. 21 lows as market participants await corporate performance news in the quarters heaviest week of earnings releases. Over one-third of stocks on the S&P 500 report this week and many analysts are expecting the worst

Full Of Beans

The monthly U.S. Department of Agriculture report on the supply and demand situation in grains showed higher output in the US crop and higher estimates for South American soybeans. The total picture is bearish for grains — especially soybeans, since estimates predict Brazil, the wo

News Is In The Driver’s Seat

Starting a month ago yesterday, citizens across the country were glued to their television sets obtaining information about the worst terrorist attacks ever in the United States. And many remained tuned in for hours a day for the remainder of the week following the September 11 disaster,

Harvest This

Grains wilted on the prospect of a
better-than-expected harvest both at home and abroad.

Bonds Giving It Back

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PowerRating) are continuing to come down off highs after leaving an island formation two days ago when they lapped down from a three-day consolidation at contract highs. Bonds had been held hi

Post-9/11 Milestone

Two major indices are logging important milestones as they rally to fill gaps left following the Sept. 11 attacks. Both the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq have closed the windows left once trading resumed on Sept. 17 in powerful snap-back rallies that have exceeded key Fibonacci retracement lev

Stock Indexes Don’t Go Up, They’re Put Up

And so too are stock index futures. Pit sources sayMerrill Lynch was a heavy buyer of S&P 500 futures shortly after the openand continued accumulating the contracts throughout the first half hour oftrading. Locals (independent traders) in the S&Ps pit followed Merrill ingetting long, resulting in an

Full Metal Jacket

Metals are weighing heavy as America continues military strikes in Afghanistan and stocks rally. Both December gold
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PowerRating) and silver
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Bombs Away

Stocks are selling off slightly as US and NATO forces launch retaliatory strikes against Afghanistan in a third day of aggression. The uncertainty the strikes create as well as negative expectations for earnings, are keeping some buyers sidelined. The Dow is down 28 at 9039, the S&P

Safe, Perfectly Safe

That was the thinking before the weekend raids. But the United Kingdoms active participation in the attacks on Afghanistan is causing something of a flight out of British pounds, sending it on its biggest tumble in a month. Pounds sterling had been something of a safe haven buy