Buying the Selling in the QQQ and SPY: Larry Connors Battle Plan Goes 9 for 9 in 2011
Recent winning trades in the ^QQQ^ and the ^SPY^ have extended the perfect pace of Larry Connors’ Daily Battle Plan in 2011 – now with 9 trades and 9 winners.
The 9 for 9 run in 2011 puts the Daily Battle Plan‘s performance since inception (October 2008) at 82% correct, with 72 profitable trades out of a total of 88.
This is high probability trading at its best. But this performance is no surprise to those familiar with the high probability swing trading strategies developed by Larry Connors, strategies that are at the heart of the Daily Battle Plan.
The performance of the Daily Battle Plan‘s exchange-traded fund (ETF) trading since its debut in the fall of 2008 is 100% in line with the test results revealed in Larry’s book, High Probability ETF Trading Strategies: 7 Professional Strategies to Improve Your ETF Trading, now available in paperback.
High Probability ETF Trading Strategies, by the way, was named one of the best trading books of 2009 by SFO magazine.
Wrote Larry Connors to subscribers to the Daily Battle Plan the morning after the most recent winning trade in the QQQ:
If you look at the TPS strategy that I published back in 2008 you’ll see the historical results up through 2008 showing a % correct in the 80-85% range in the backtesting. Now more than 2 ½ years later you see how well the strategy has continued to perform. There’s no guarantees of future returns but my goal is to allow us to safely grow our money as consistently as possible using a disciplined systematic approach backed by strong statistics as opposed to being like the majority of traders who are influenced by outside events and jumping around trying to figure of where the market is going next.
Fundamentals and guessing future world events is fine but it’s not for us. The single best way to grow your money trading equities and ETFs is to apply solid quantified strategies and consistently apply these strategies day after day. As you have seen over the past 2 ½ years of the Battle Plan Model Portfolio, it works.
To launch your free, 7-day trial to Larry Connors’ Daily Battle Plan, click here. You’ll get Larry Connors’ Morning Market Intelligence report before the open every morning, plus Charts of Interest and a Plan of Attack to help you swing trade the biggest, short-term edges in exchange-traded funds every day.
If you’ve been looking for a way into swing trading with exchange-traded funds, then a free trial to Larry Connors’ Daily Battle Plan may be just what you need to get started. A veteran trader with decades of experience in the stock market, Larry Connors is the kind of professional guide to the markets that every trader needs to get and stay on the winning track.
Update: Click here to see the entire track record of ETF trading in Larry Connors’ Daily Battle Plan since inception in October 2008.
David Penn is Editor in Chief of