Chairman’s Club

The Chairman’s Club is an exclusive group of professional traders and high net worth individuals who manage their own money. Membership is by invitation only.

Chairman’s Club members have backgrounds that range from professional traders running prop desks or hedge funds to doctors and business owners. All members
have a common desire to achieve mastery in trading and managing their money.

As a member of the Chairman’s Club you will have exclusive access to products, proprietary research, specialized training, monthly meetings, and a community of
like-minded traders.

Product Access

Members of Chairman’s Club have access to both The Machine Pro and The Machine Day Trader (a $16,000 value).

Additionally, members have exclusive access to The Machine Screener (the Screener is only available through the Chairman’s Club).

Members will also have access to a new Options Edge calculator to be released later this year.

Members also have free access to all TradingMarkets products and courses such as ETF PowerRatings, Larry Connors’ Daily Battle Plan (a $790 value), the 10
week Swing Trading College (a $3,950 value), and more.

Proprietary Research & Education

The Connors Group and Connors Research are leading providers of quantified short term market behavior research and trading strategies. Chairman’s Club
members have exclusive access to new unpublished research from Larry Connors and Cesar Alvarez.

This year there will be a new focus on options in addition to the core equity and ETF research.

Also, as an added bonus, we have received a commitment from a well-known, 30 year professional options trader to provide us with customized education on
how to use The Machine with options.

This research is not available anywhere else. Additionally, you will receive access to the past 5 years of Chairman’s Club research.

The Chairman’s Club research will allow you to strengthen and grow your trading business and run it more efficiently.

Social & Community

New this year, focus groups will be available to members. These groups will meet weekly to discuss the week’s trading and new ways to implement the research
and tools.

The initial groups will be Swing Trading, Options Trading, and Day Trading. You can join one or all groups to interact with other traders with similar
interests on a weekly basis.

Member Profile Pages will enable you to identify other members with similar backgrounds or trading styles.

Your participation in the Chairman’s Club will take your trading to new levels. Members learn from Larry and Cesar as well as from each other.

This is a high caliber, exclusive group. Every new member will be personally interviewed by Larry Connors.

Contact your account manager for more information.
Call 1-888-484-8220 ext 3 (International 1-973-494-7311 ext 3)