5 Most Popular Indicators on The TradingMarkets Screener
Below are the the five most popular indicators on the TradingMarkets Screener according to you the user. You can also scroll down to see other popular screens being used by fellow traders on the TradingMarkets Screener.
5 Most Popular Indicators on the TradingMarkets Screener
- ConnorsRSI
- 2 Day RSI
- 200 Day Moving Average
- Average Directional Index (ADX) – ADX10
- Historical Volatility (HV) – HV100
Other popular filter options are Equity Type, Average Volume (note that this is the 21 Day), and Down Days.
5 Most Popular Screens
- S&P 500 Trading with ConnorsRSI from How to Identify S&P 500 Pullbacks with The TradingMarkets Screener
- The 2-Period RSI Pullback Trading Strategy from Identifying Quantified Pullbacks with The TradingMarkets Screener
- Trading Leveraged ETFs With ConnorsRSI from Identifying Leveraged ETFs with The TradingMarkets Screener
- ETF Trading with Bollinger Bands® from How To Identify ETF Bollinger Bands® Set-Ups with TradingMarkets Screener
- Low Priced Stocks Trading Above the 200MA with a 2 Day RSI Under 10 from MTA Reviews TradingMarkets Live Screener