ETF Trading Strategies: ETFs and Arbitrage
1. I’m happy to see some of you took yesterday’s 3x 2-period RSI homework and sent it me. The response was very good and many of you had positive comments about walking through the exercise. I encourage you to look at this if you have the time as it gives you an idea of how the 3x ETFs have been trading since they were launched last year.
2. Here is an excellent article on how intraday arbitrage works on ETFs. Because ETFs are so new, there a great amount of mis-information and partial information that makes its way through the internet. None of this is intentional, its simply a function of many well-meaning people trying to figure a new market out. Sometimes though, you’ll read an article which stands out and the following is one of them. I hope you learn from it and enjoy reading it.
Special Note: This afternoon I’ll be doing a final presentation on this weekend’s High Probability ETF Trading Seminar. There are over 200 people signed up for the presentation so if you would like to attend, you’ll be able to via our conference line. It starts at 4:30 pm ET and runs about 45 minutes. To reserve a spot, please call 213-955-5858 ext 1.
Larry Connors is CEO and Founder of and Connors Research.