TradingMarkets 7 Stocks You Need to Know for Thursday

Record global confidence from the Bloomberg index and better than expected industrial production figures kicked the stock market higher today. The VIX volatility index fell to near yearly lows intraday while rebounding slightly closing up on the session. Negative word of Bank of America executives being subpoenaed did little to squelch the optimistic bullish energy of the day. The DJIA surged higher by 108.30, the Nasdaq added 30.51, and the broad based S&P 500 soared higher by 16.13.

Here are 7 stocks you need to know for Thursday.

FedEx Corp
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finally releases its widely anticipated earnings for its fiscal 1st quarter 2010. Analysts are expecting an EPS of 58 cents prior to the bell on Thursday morning.

Third tier credit card company, Discover Financial
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, is hoping its fiscal 3rd quarter 2009 earnings loss, announce Thursday prior to trading, do not exceed negative 16 cents/share.

Palm Inc
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is expecting a loss of 22 cents/share for their fiscal first quarter 2010. PALM will announce earnings on Thursday after the close.

Microsoft billionaire Paul Allen is selling 24 wireless spectrum licenses to AT&T
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Berkshire Hathaway
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owned, Geico Insurance, will soon face competition from London’s Admiral Group and their Elephant. Com website.

The New York Attorney General’s office has just subpoenaed 5 Bank of America
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board members regarding the Merrill Lynch acquisition.

A media research group said newspaper advertising is showing improvement lifting the publishing sector higher including the New York Times
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