Trading Education Schedule To Improve Your Trading

Today I’m going to add a section to the Trading Lesson of the Day. A number of people have asked us to keep them updated on the education programs we offer as they arise and this will be an avenue to keep you abreast of the schedule. If you need additional information on anything, please feel free to call us at 213-955-5858.


May 18 – New Members Chairman’s Club – Recording is available on the Chairman’s Club site

May 18 – Swing Trading College V – Second Week of Live Trading starts at 4:30 pm

May 19 – Swing Trading College VI – Session Three: Exit Strategies and Short Selling Strategies starts at 4:30 pm

May 20 – Free on – line presentation – TPS ETF Trading Seminar starts at 4:30. Call for details.

May 22 – High Probability ETF Trading book will be launched (digital version). TradeStation and Amibroker code for the strategies in High Probability ETF trading will also be available.

May 26 – Swing Trading College VI – Session Four; Trading ETFs starts at 4:30 pm

May 26 – Trading a Portfolio using Leveraged ETFs Report available for Chairman’s Club Members

May 27 – Swing Trading College V: Third Week of Live Trading starts at 4:30 pm

June (partial schedule)

June 1 – Launch of High Probability ETF Trading Software

June 8 – Launch of High Probability ETF Daily Trading Alerts

June 13 – Full Day Seminar – TPS ETF Trading Seminar

June 28 – Chairman’s Club – Quarterly Meeting

If you would like details on any of the above, please call 1-888-484-8220 ext. 1, or 213-955-5858 ext. 1.

This is from Larry Connors Daily Battle Plan which he publishes each morning. If you’d like to take a free trial click here, or call 1-888-484-8220 ext. 1 to start your free trial today.

Larry Connors is CEO and Founder of and Connors Research.