Cocoa Crumbles To Low

Cocoa closed at its lowest December reading ever,
extending a week-long slide that came after the futures were unable to sustain a
break above 840. A coalition of West African leaders is in the Ivory Coast, the
world’s largest producer of cocoa, defusing a politically tense situation, and a
recent report on “grindings” of cocoa suggests demand will be in line
with expectations. These bearish fundamentals come just weeks before the harvest
in Ivory Coast kicks into high gear, exacerbating a technically weak market. The
December contract
CCZ0 |
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closed 30 lower at 782.

Orange juice gapped lower and plummeted to contract lows,
following through on Friday’s big down-expansion bar. Forecasts are for a bumper
year that will exceed the crop record set in the 1997-1998 year. November orange
OJX0 |
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closed 1.45 lower at 69.75.

Stock index futures provided traders with plenty of
action, following through on Friday’s late-session upside momentum (and making
good on five up signals from the
Bias Indicators Page
) before sinking to negative finishes on weakness in big-cap techs. Cisco
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and Intel
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, down 5% each, were the major culprits here–weighing
on the S&Ps and Nasdaq 100 futures. Early and persistent weakness in
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weighed on
Dow futures
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, which acted to pull down the other indexes. S&P futures
SPZ0 |
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closed 7.50 lower at 1461.00,
NASDAQ 100 futures
NDZ0 |
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fell 99.00 to 3677.00, and
Dow futures
DJZ0 |
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sank 74.0 to 10,936.0.

USZ0 |
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and 10-year notes
TYZ0 |
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decoupled slightly from stock indexes as players did some safe-haven buying, a
similar reaction to what occurred early Friday with Intel’s slide. December bonds
closed 6/32 higher at 98 11/32 and 10-years closed 2/32 higher at 99 30/32.

Currency traders showed doubt about the efficacy of the G-7’s
intervention in currency markets to support a weak euro Friday. Dollar index
DXZ0 |
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made a comeback after getting battered on Friday, adding .50
to 113.84, and the euro FX
ECZ0 |
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continued lower after its initial jump
Friday to a .00630 lower finish at .87630. Canadian dollars
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Turtle Soup Plus One Buy
setup, adding .0008 to .6737.

Energy prices moved sharply lower again Monday morning in response to
President Clinton’s release of 30 million barrels of oil from the Strategic
Petroleum Reserve last week. Although there was a great deal of uncertainty in the
energy markets,
there were technical signs of an impending drop. Unleaded gasoline left a Turtle
Soup Plus One setup three days ago and continued following through to the
downside Monday for a close .0132 lower at .8975. Heating oil registered on the New 10-Day Low List
hinting of its downside momentum and closed .0151 lower at .9414. Crude oil
CLX0 |
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suffered the biggest losses of the group, sinking 1.11 to 31.57.

Natural gas decoupled from the energy sector, reacting to
both freezing conditions across the Midwest and blistering heat in the
Southwest. The November contract rallied throughout the session for a .149 gain
to 5.415, but is still below the trigger of a (Cooper)
1-2-3-4 Pullback From Highs

Lean hogs are following through after a very bullish four-day
run. The contract is the leading contract on Momentum-5
, which highlights this recent strength.