Clinton Oils The Market

Sensing a crisis similar to that which is already
occurring across Europe, President Clinton said Tuesday that his administration
is working hard to make sure that “home heating reserves are filled for the
Northeast by the end of October.” The comments resulted in a sell-off in the
energy sector, but obvious doubt remains as to whether refiners will be able to
“crack” crude oil into heating oil fast enough make up for a supply
shortfall that stands 38% below levels from one year ago. 

Heating oil
HOV0 |
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hit a new 10-year and contract
high for the second consecutive day, before finishing down .0030 at 1.0468. An
update from the American Petroleum Institute after Tuesday’s close is expected
to show little change in the heating oil stockpiles situation. Crude
CLV0 |
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unleaded gasoline
ULV0 |
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fell more vigorously, ending .86 and .0345 lower,

Stock index futures ended a mixed review.
Dow futures
DJZ0 |
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got a boost late in the session on speculation that
turned into reality that JP Morgan would be bought out. JPM closed up 15 on word
that Chase would acquire the financial giant and sent the December contract
to a close 84.0 higher at 11,452.0.
NASDAQ 100 futures
NDZ0 |
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plummeted 60.50 to 3723.00, as strength in
Qualcomm was insufficient to overcome declines in JDS Uniphase, SDL Inc, and
Oracle. September S&P futures
SPZ0 |
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also fell 10.00 to 1504.00.

Currency futures closed weakly, despite jawboning from a high-placed European
monetary official. One of the reasons traders have been selling the euro
with impunity down to all-time lows is a seeming lack of willingness by European
technocrats to defend the currency. Euro FX futures
ECU0 |
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rallied sharply,
gaining as many as .00890 to fill the opening gap at Monday’s close in response
to European Central Bank President Wim Duisenberg’s comments that the drop in
the euro was “clearly a cause for concern.” He left the impression
that the ECB may intervene to defend the currency. Swiss francs
SFU0 |
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rose as many as .0055 to .5697 early. Swiss francs’ positive close Monday tipped
the hand that euro-block
currencies could make a move higher Tuesday, a development mentioned in the Futures
Market Recap

However, the ECB has never intervened
to support the euro, despite having beefed up exchange reserves to 100 billion
euros in recent months. Euro FX, Swiss francs, and British pounds
BPU0 |
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all from the Implosion-5 List,
staged unconvincing rallies, traded in negative territory or, as in the case of
British pounds
BPU0 |
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, closed .0018 lower at 1.4070.

September copper
HGU0 |
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the leading contract on the
, rallied to a new contract high, adding 1.55 to 92.85.

Tropical rains have hit parched areas of Texas and the
Mississippi delta, improving a poor crop outlook for cotton, down .88 at 65.60.

December coffee
KCZ0 |
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continued gaining after
posting a
New 10-Day High
, continuing a multi-day move off a multi-year low to close
.85 higher at 83.90.

Finally in the meats,
October live cattle
LCV0 |
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,  feeder cattle
FCV0 |
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, and lean hogs
LHV0 |
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continued lower to make good on Pullback From Lows