Paul Tudor Jones Warns, Stocks Slip, Abby Stays Positive

Hedge Fund icon, Paul Tudor Jones, warned his clients that the rally is nothing more than a bear market bounce, a common occurrence during extended downtrends. However, this negative sentiment was challenged by Goldman Sach’s Abby Joseph Cohen who stated a new bull run has started with investors easily seeing a 10% gain in the S&P 500 by years end. Positive data from the unemployment front counteracted a slew of poor earnings reports resulting in a slight negative bias on the day. The DJIA gave back -24.71 to 9256.26, the Nasdaq fell -19.89 to 1973.16 and the broad based S&P 500 dropped -5.64 to 997.08.

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– Missed analysts estimates by 30% sending shares tumbling 29.16% or $3.70 to $8.99.

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– The office supply retailer was upgraded to conviction buy at Goldman Sachs triggering a rally of 5.50% or $1.16 to $22.27.

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– Optimistically rose its forecast sending shares higher by 5.56% or 79 cents to $15.07.

Home Inns & Hotel Management
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– The Chinese low end hotel operator increased its sales forecasts with shares soaring 23.29% or $4.64 to $24.56.

Oil slipped 3 cent to $71.96, gold eased higher by $3.40 to $962.90 and the fear index VIX advanced 3.09% to 25.67.

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Market Snapshot


-24.71 9256.26


-19.89 1973.16

S&P 500

-5.64 997.08


Construction Spending (Jun): Consensus: -0.5%, Prior: -0.9%

ISM Index (Jul): Consensus: 46.5, Prior: 44.8

Auto Sales (Jul): Consensus: NA, Prior: 3.4M

Truck Sales (Jul): Consensus: NA, Prior: 3.8M

Personal Income (Jun): Consensus: -1.0%, Prior: 1.4%

Personal Spending (Jun): Consensus: 0.3%, Prior: 0.2%

Pending Home Sales (Jun): Consensus: 0.3%, Prior: 0.1%

ADP Employment Change (Jul): Consensus: -340K, Prior: -473K

Factory Orders (Jun): Consensus: 0.5%, Prior: 1.2%

ISM Services (Jul): Consensus: 48.0, Prior: 48.8

Crude Inventories (07/31): Consensus: NA, Prior: +5.15M

Initial Claims (08/01): Consensus: NA, Prior: NA

Average Workweek (Jul): Consensus: 33.0, Prior: 33.0

Hourly Earnings (Jul): Consensus: 0.1%, Prior: 0.0%

Nonfarm Payrolls (Jul): Consensus: -333K, Prior: -467K

Unemployment Rate (Jul): Consensus: 9.6%, Prior: 9.5%

Consumer Credit (Jun): Consensus: -$4.1B, Prior: -$3.2B