TradingMarkets 7 Stocks You Need to Know for Thursday
A soaring Chicago PMI figure helped stock counteract the effects of a stronger Greenback. Shares fought into positive territory at the close after spending much of the session in the negative. The DJIA climbed 3.10, the Nasdaq advanced 2.88 and the broad based S&P 500 struggled higher by 0.23.
Here are 7 stocks you need to know for Thursday.
^MPB^ is anticipating a substantial large loan loss provision.
Kaufmann Brothers lifted share price estimates for ^AAPL^ and increased its outlook on ^NVDA^ to buy.
^CBAK^ did not get the widely anticipated ^GOOG^ order.
^PFE^ ended the trial of its experimental cancer drug due to an independent safety committee stating the drug was unlikely to help patients.
The staffing company ^KFRC^ has had its suspension lifted and is now cleared to work in the United States.