Leverage This! Leveraged ETF Trading Strategies Coming to TradingMarkets
For many short term traders, the only thing more exciting about the phenomenal growth in exchange-traded funds (ETFs) is the no-less explosive growth in leveraged exchange-traded funds.
And as the leader in developing high probability ETF trading strategies, it is no surprise that Larry Connors and the team at Connors Research have created a new leveraged ETF trading course for aggressive traders looking to take advantage of the new opportunities in this quickly-expanding market.
Join Larry Connors starting next week for a free presentation on the new TradingMarkets Leveraged ETF Course, which features a number of new, quantified strategies for trading leveraged exchange-traded funds – from the 2x ^UYG^ to triple-leveraged funds like the ^TZA^ and many, many leveraged funds in between.
Click here to register for Larry’s free presentation on the Leveraged ETF Course, scheduled for Thursday, February 4 at 4:30 p.m. Eastern.
This special TradingMarkets Leveraged ETF Course will also feature Larry’s primary leveraged ETF trading strategy, a strategy that has resulted in an accuracy rate of more than 89% in testing in liquid leveraged exchange-traded funds since 2006.
In addition, the TradingMarkets Leveraged ETF Course will include strategies for trading options using leveraged ETFs – including a covered call trading strategy that has produced excellent results in our quantified backtesting in simulated trades with leveraged ETFs under $10. The course will include details on how to scale-in to leveraged ETF trades, as well as tactics for using the 2-period RSI when it comes to trading certain leveraged funds.
Larry Connors’ special Leveraged ETF Course is for advanced, aggressive traders who appreciate the power of high probability, mean reversion trading and are confident in their ability to trade advanced instruments like leveraged ETFs.
Find out what professional caliber trading in ETFs is all about. Click here to reserve your spot in Thursday’s free special presentation on the TradingMarkets Leveraged ETF Course.
David Penn is Editor in Chief at TradingMarkets.com.