TradingMarkets 7 Stocks You Need to Know for Thursday

Thursday holds the promise of multiple major earnings announcements and the Jobless Claims figure for the economy. Midweek was a slow, lack uster session despite a heavy serving of bullish data. Several large names beat earnings estimates and positive word from the housing and productivity fronts failed to add oomph to the bullish advance. The FOMC minutes revealed that the Fed believes severe unemployment will be with us for at least another year. However, it was made clear that the Bank is pleased with the economic progress thus far. The DJIA fought higher by 40.43, the Nasdaq advanced 12.10, and the S&P 500 moved ahead by 4.64.

Here are 7 stocks you need to know for Thursday.

^DELL^ Reports after the close with a forecast EPS of 27 cents.

Media powerhouse, ^CBS^, is forecasting an EPS of 25 cents after the bell.

Expect $1.12/share before the open from ^WMT^.

Tire company, ^GT^, hopes its loss does not exceed 6 cents/share before the open.

Gambling wizards, ^MGM^, announce before the open with a forecast EPS of negative 14 cents.

68 cents/share is the consensus estimate for ^HRL^ prior to the opening bell.

^WAG^ is buying popular New York City pharmacy chain, Duane Reade for $618 million.

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