Trading Markets

Fear & Greed in 2010 and 3 PowerRated Stocks

The first trading session of 2010 is underway as stocks have shrugged off any macroeconomic worries and are roaring higher in the early session. To get in on the rally, try these 3 stocks which are ready for short term gains.

2010 Through My Eyes & 3 Short Term PowerRatings Stocks

I know it’s said that prediction isn’t something an investor/trader should practice. However on this final day of 2009, it seems apropos to take a look at some of the challenges and successes possible in the New Year.

TradingMarkets 7 Stocks You Need to Know for Monday

The Christmas week went out with a bang as the major stock indexes hit yearly highs on the session. Congress moving to raise the U.S. debt ceiling to avoid a federal default was mostly ignored by the equity market.

Week Ends Strong, New Highs, Congress Moves

A strong Christmas week closed on a bullish note as the major indexes hit yearly highs. The US Congress moved to increase the allowable US debt level in an effort to cope with a potential Federal default.