Trading Markets

The Market is Without Leadership and Falling

There’s a bear in the room and Wall Street is pretending not to see it. See why Kaltbaum believes that it’s all down hill from here for the markets, even after they’ve already fallen as much as they have.

Who Snubbed the Markets?

Kaltbaum doesn’t see much good news coming from the markets in the near future. See why he thinks the Fed is to blame for a lot of the problems, and what sectors to trade, if you must, during this volatile market.

Forget about the Financials, Watch the Sectors

After tens of billions of losses, one would think these people would learn from their mistakes. See Gary Kaltbaum believes that ailing financial institutions aren’t even fit to run a lemonade stand.

The Test of Market Strength

All of the economic signs seem bad, and yet the stock market is doing fairly well. Why is that? Find out what Gary Kaltbaum sees during this volatile period.

Into the Meat of Resistance

Surprised by what happened with Microsoft and Yahoo? Gary Kaltbaum wasn’t. See why and see what he has to say about other picks as well.