One Big Day Doesn’t Do It
My Two Cents on Citi
I am still in the camp we can bounce here back into the longer term 200 day moving averages for the major indices.
Brokerages Are Downgrading Brokerages
I am reminded of another great Warren Buffett quote: “You only find out who is swimming naked when the tide goes out!”
The Market Will Decide When a Low is in
I wasn’t going to write again this week but things I am seeing have forced my hand. You see…it is in the bear phases that chicanery is at its highest. It is in the bear phases that certain words are used too often. I do not need to rehash today what we have seen in the financials recently. I dont even need to write about the sham buyouts by the private equity morons…who are now cancelling most of the deals.
‘7’ is an Unlucky Number for the Market
You may not know this, but years ending in “7” have historically been a top in the market.
Who Is Running the Financial Markets?
Goldman said no more losses for them…as rumors circulated that there would be.
It’s Not Over Yet, but There’s Some Short-Term Hope
The most important point I wanted to make today is the same point I have been making for weeks…which finally came back to haunt the market.
The Action Has Arrived, Watch for the Downside
Bear markets do not just end. They have to go through an arduous process. Yes…they will bounce. Morgan Stanley was up
$2 yesterday. Why? Because it was down $17 over a 6 day period.
Curb Your Enthusiasm
We have yet to see any class action lawsuits…but many are right around the corner. I am sorry but I am also sick and tired of all the B.S. coming out of these companies.
The Fed Doesn’t Care About Inflation or the Dollar
The question is when does this affect the stock market? As I have always told you, there is never a problem until it affects stock markets.
Market Crooks Are In The Building
Did you now know that Paulson, Bernanke…et al…are now nothing more than attorneys for these big financial behemoths?
Helicopter Ben Can’t Stop the Meltdown in Certain Areas
We are now starting to see some shoes drop. Simply put, the bad is now getting badder.