Don’t Forget This About Google
This type of froth does not usually happen at bottoms.
Play pullbacks in these areas
The only thing I want to say today is that lots of stuff is stretched and extended.
What could trigger another leg up
Normally, I have strong convictions about things…
These 2 groups are holding up
After Friday’s action, it will be important that the market put up a stand.
It’s correction time
In my last report, I told you that things were very stretched…
The market is looking very stretched
You don’t need me to tell you what has happened since the beginning of the year…
Major indices breakout
After scanning the market, I am cleaning the slate.
What has changed–and what hasn’t
The most important occurrence from yesterday is that the market put a big line in the sand..
Let’s talk about cycles
I am not the biggest believer in cycles but when everything else is aligning, it is something that must be watched.
My strategy guide for 2006
As we end 05 and enter 06, there are a few things I want to point out…
Early Warning Signs I See for January, Part 2
I was hoping there would be nothing to write about for the rest of the week. but Tuesday’s action warrants a missive.
Early warning signs I see for January
…nothing bad happens unless these levels are first taken out… S&P 1249… DOW 10,729… NASDAQ 2230