Trading Markets

Bucking The Fed

The dollar is sending a "loud-and-clear"message, rallying on news that normally would make it go down and therebyimplying it could hit new highs. Interest rate cuts usually spell lower currencyprices in countries where rates get cut as institutions move funds to thehighest-yielding "r


Financial futures are flat-lining ahead of the FederalReserves decision on monetary policy. The announcement is due out at 2:10 PMET. Just what is the market expecting? The best predictor of Fed action in thedays preceding FOMC meetings have consistently been the Federal Fundsfutures. The April

The Fourth Wave

If the previous pattern holds, the fourth wave could be up in the Spooz.

Quiet Setups

Its a quiet session in futures trading, but manycontracts are setting up despite a session marked by low volatility. In the currencies, most contracts gapped up against thedollar but have slipped from their highs of the session. If the Fed cuts ratesby 50 basis points rather than 75 (.75%), this

The News At 10

The New 10-Day Low List is broadcasting loud-and-clear the economic story thatis effecting nearly all of the major commodity groups. Grains, currencies,metals, cattle, energies and softs all hit 10-days lows yesterday.Heres the deal. A declining economy, reflected by adeclining stock market, will d

The Japanese Put

Clawing for any resolution to a domestic economic crisisthat was credited with yesterdays plunge in global stock markets, the Japanesegovernment said it would consider buying shares from banks and other companiesthat wish to sell stocks before the end of the fiscal year at the end of thismonth.