A Second Wave?


While I’m not a
short-term trader per se, I do take profits when the stock
price action warrants it. Sometimes, rotation will occur within a
rally. This is not ideal. The I-T trader wants industry leadership to
hold up and lead for the medium term. But at times, you may find
yourself selling stocks acting t
after smaller-than-usual pops, particularly if a new crop of set-ups
appears to be forming.

A second wave
of base builders could be coming in here. MGIC Investment (MTG)
broke out Wednesday. Quintiles (QTRN)
surged up the right side of a base.   

Riverstone Networks (RSTN),
Retek (RETK)
and Astropower (APWR)
are consolidating here as well.

Among the exchange-traded
funds, most of the energy- and tech-focused ETFs lost ground. The Oil
Services HOLDR (OIH)
gave up 5.0%
Wireless HOLDR (WMH)
the Dow
Jones Energy iShares (IYE)
the Broadband HOLDR (BDH)
the Energy SPDR (XLE)
Biotech HOLDR (BBH)

Remember to limit your risk
by using stops and limiting your allocation in individual stocks. For
an introduction to combining price stops with position sizing, see my
lesson, Risky