Picking The Applet

I like to keep the java applet open, because I will often get an idea off it
and put it on my watch list, which can then turn into a good trade in the next
day or two. This one came by this morning.


Search Results

Total Records: 1    Viewing Records: 1 to 1


Newsfeed Time
Symbol Headline
STK 09:41 CSGS  pulls back
10% from low of 2 days ago


CSG Systems
Quote |
Chart |
News |
has been on my low relative strength list of
stocks with a
3-month relative strength ranking of 1-20
from TradingMarkets.com.



Now I can track the stock for a day trade in tomorrow’s session
if there is follow through, or see if it could set up as a swing trade if it
continues to pull back for a day or two. Use the applet to feed you ideas, check
the charts, and you will uncover some prime candidates for trades.

Until tomorrow,
