After 5 Lower Lows, is it Time to Buy?

Each day,
TradingMarkets publishes
7 Trading Ideas for Today, a selection of stocks from our daily indicators. TradingMarkets
Stock Indicators
are based upon our latest quantitative research, and
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On Tuesday,
March 20, Career Education
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the candidate from the

5+ Consecutive Lower Lows


These are stocks that have made a lower low for five
or more consecutive days and are trading above their 200-day moving average. Our
research shows that stocks trading above their 200-day moving average that make
lower lows for five or more days have shown positive returns, on average, 1-day,
2-days and 1-week later. Historically, these stocks have provided traders with a
significant edge.

TradingMarkets mantra is to "buy weakness," and that is exactly what you could
have done here. After making 5 consecutive lower lows, this stock becomes a
prime TradingMarkets oversold candidate.  CECO is another example of a
trade that took less than 5 days for the edge to unfold; the stock moved as much
as 10% before giving up some gains on overbought conditions.

1-day later, CECO closed +1.0%

2-days later, CECO closed +4.7%

5-days later, CECO closed +7.1%

results like these do not occur every time
, but
our quantified research clearly shows that the edges exist during extreme
oversold or overbought conditions.

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. Check back daily for more 7 Trading Ideas for Today,
and develop your own watchlist of stocks with historically-backed edges.

John Lee

Associate Editor