Best of the Battle Plan: How to Find The Best ETFs to Trade Each Day

For the past five years or so, the most popular subscription product we’ve offered has been our Stock PowerRatings. I’m happy to announce that we just launched ETF PowerRatings for traders who focus on ETFs.

ETF PowerRatings rate every liquid 1x ETF each day on a scale of 1-10. Historically ETFs rated 1 have dropped nearly 80% of the time over the next week or so. ETF’s rated 9 and 10 have risen nearly 80% of the time over the same time period. On Friday for example, there were dozens of ETFs with PowerRatings of 9 and 10 and most of these ETFs had significant gains on Monday.

If you are looking to see where your ETFs rate each day, and where to find the top ETFs to trade daily, you can take a free trial to ETF PowerRatings here.

Larry Connors is CEO and Founder of and Connors Research.