Bulls Rule, Home Sales Climb, Ford Astounds

The bulls ruled the stock market on Tuesday with shares surging higher across the board. A 1% jump in pending home sales lifted the sagging home builder sector. While Ford Motor Company announced an astounding 24% sales increase in January. Word of the Fed interfering in Bank’s trading operations and unemployment climbing in many urban areas did little to stem the bullish tide. The DJIA advanced +111.32 to 10296.85, the Nasdaq pushed higher by +18.86 to 2190.06 and the S&P 500 climbed +14.13 to 1103.31.

^AXP^: Advanced 2.12% or 81 cents to $39.02/share when Bank of America upgraded the Credit card sector to “buy”.

^DHI^: Surged 10.92% or $1.30 to $13.21/share on the positive home sales report.

^GE^: Led the DJIA higher today climbing 3.69% or 60 cents to $16.85/share after its F-35 fighter back-up engine was excluded from potential Pentagon budget cuts.

^TUP^: Climbed 6.94% or $3.01 to $46.39/share after stating its 2010 adjusted EPS will beat analyst’s estimates.

Gold added $13.20 to $1118.00, oil advanced $2.92 to $77.35 and the VIX fear index gave back another 4.91% to 21.48.

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Market Snapshot


+111.32 10,296.85


+18.86 2,190.06

S&P 500

+14.13 1,103.31

Personal Income (Dec): Consensus: 0.3%, Prior: 0.5%, Revise From: 0.4%

Personal Spending (Dec): Consensus: 0.3%, Prior: 0.7%, Revise From: 0.5%

Construction Spending (Dec): Consensus: -0.5%, Prior: -1.2%, Revise From: -0.6%

ISM Index (Jan): Consensus: 55.5, Prior: 54.9

Pending Home Sales (Dec): Consensus: 1.1%, Prior: -16.0%

Auto Sales (Jan): Consensus: NA, Prior: 4.14M

Truck Sales (Jan): Consensus: NA, Prior: 4.49M

Challenger Job Cuts (Jan): Consensus: NA, Prior: -72.9%

ADP Employment Change (Jan): Consensus: -40K, Prior: -84K

ISM Services (Jan): Consensus: 50.9, Prior: 50.1

Crude Inventories (01/29): Consensus: NA, Prior: -3.89M

Initial Claims (01/30): Consensus: 454K, Prior: 470K

Continuing Claims (01/30): Consensus: 4600K, Prior: 4602K

Productivity-Prel (Q4): Consensus: 6.0%, Prior: 8.1%

Unit Labor Costs – Preliminary (Q4): Consensus: -2.5%, Prior: -2.5%

Factory Orders (Dec): Consensus: 0.6%, Prior: 1.1%

Nonfarm Payrolls (Jan): Consensus: 13K, Prior: -85K

Unemployment Rate (Jan): Consensus: 10.0%, Prior: 10.0%

Average Workweek (Jan): Consensus: 33.2, Prior: 33.2

Hourly Earnings (Jan): Consensus: 0.2%, Prior: 0.2%

Consumer Credit (Dec): Consensus: -$9.5B, Prior: -$17.5B