ChatGPT Unveiled: The Modern Trader’s Tool for Deciphering Stock Charts

ChatGPT Unveiled: The Modern Trader’s Tool for Deciphering Stock Charts

In the battlefield of stock trading, where each data-driven decision can make or break your portfolio, artificial intelligence is emerging as the ultimate secret weapon. 

OpenAI’s ChatGPT is at the forefront of this revolution, offering a groundbreaking approach to both textual and visual market analysis. This article provides an initial guide on leveraging ChatGPT to amplify your stock chart analysis capabilities.

Delving Deeper into ChatGPT’s Image Analysis Capabilities

OpenAI’s ChatGPT has seen several iterations, each enhancing its capabilities. One of the most exciting additions in recent updates is the ability for ChatGPT to analyze images. This was not just a minor addition; it was a leap, marking the transition from a purely text-based model to a multi-modal AI that interprets both textual and visual data.

What ChatGPT’s Image Analysis Can Do

  1. Detailed Image Description: ChatGPT can provide intricate details of images, diving beyond just basic elements. It can identify objects, relationships between these objects, and even derive context based on the overall composition.
  2. Pattern Recognition: Through its underlying neural networks, the model can recognize patterns and trends within images. This is particularly useful for data charts, geographical maps, and any visuals where patterns play a crucial role.
  3. Comparison and Relational Inference: Given multiple images, ChatGPT can compare them, identifying similarities and differences. It can also infer relationships based on sequenced images.

Examples Illustrating ChatGPT’s Image Analysis Capabilities

  • Non-trading Example – Nature Photograph: When presented with a picture of a forest, ChatGPT might describe it as, “A dense forest with a mixture of deciduous and coniferous trees. Sunlight filters through the canopy, casting dappled light on a clear stream running through.”
  • Non-trading Example – Art Interpretation: If shown a painting like Van Gogh’s “Starry Night,” ChatGPT could offer, “A captivating depiction of a swirling night sky over a quiet town, characterized by bold brush strokes and a vibrant palette. The prominent crescent moon and bright stars contrast the turbulent atmosphere.”
  • Trading Example – Stock Chart: For a line graph illustrating a company’s stock prices over a year, ChatGPT might analyze, “The stock chart displays a volatile performance. Prices peaked around mid-year but faced a sharp decline in the last quarter. Notable bullish patterns appear in the first half, while the latter half shows bearish tendencies, especially with the formation of a ‘double top’ pattern in the final months.”

By melding its robust text interpretation capabilities with newfound image analysis skills, ChatGPT emerges as a comprehensive tool, equipped to assist in a vast range of scenarios, from leisurely activities like understanding art to high-stakes tasks like stock trading analysis.

How to Use ChatGPT for Chart Interpretation: A Detailed Guide

In the ever-evolving realm of artificial intelligence, tools that once seemed relegated to textual tasks are now branching out into more visual territories. ChatGPT, OpenAI’s groundbreaking language model, is no exception. As trading markets become increasingly complex, the need for swift, accurate chart interpretation becomes paramount. Enter ChatGPT’s image analysis capabilities. Whether you’re a seasoned trader or just dipping your toes into the world of stock markets, this guide will walk you through harnessing ChatGPT’s prowess for chart interpretation.

Step 1: Accessing ChatGPT

  • Open your preferred browser: ChatGPT operates online, so ensure you have an active internet connection.
  • Navigate to the OpenAI website: Type in “OpenAI” on your search engine, or directly input the URL ( From there, look for the ChatGPT section.
  • Sign Up/Log In: If it’s your first time, you’ll need to create an account. Returning users can simply log in. This will give you access to the platform and its features.

Step 2: Uploading the Chart

  • Initiate a conversation: Once inside the ChatGPT interface, you will see a chat window. Here, you can interact with the AI.
  • Upload the chart: Look for an “upload” or “attach” button, typically represented by a paperclip or upward-pointing arrow icon. Click on it.
  • Select your chart: Navigate to where you’ve saved your stock market chart on your device. Click on it, then click “Open” or “Upload.”
  • Ensure clarity: Given that you’re seeking detailed insights, the chart you upload should be clear. Important elements like dates, price points, and any accompanying text should be legible.

Step 3: Pose Specific Questions

  • Guide the analysis: Rather than a general query, steer ChatGPT towards the analysis you’re after. This can be achieved by asking pointed questions. Here are some examples: “Describe the overall trend in this chart from January to December.”, “Can you identify any noticeable price patterns from this chart?”, “Based on this chart, what can you infer about the stock’s performance in the coming months?”
  • Clarify any terms: If you’re unsure about any terminology the AI uses, don’t hesitate to ask. For instance, “What do you mean by a ‘bearish reversal’?”

Step 4: Evaluate & Iterate

  • Cross-check with other sources: While ChatGPT provides comprehensive insights, it’s always good practice in trading to corroborate findings with other reliable resources.
  • Ask for clarifications: If a particular analysis is unclear or seems ambiguous, request a more in-depth explanation or a simpler breakdown.
  • Iterate based on feedback: If the first interpretation isn’t satisfactory, you can always upload another chart or rephrase your queries for more precise results.

Step 5: Ending the Session

  • Bookmark or save the conversation: If you found the analysis beneficial and would like to revisit it, many platforms allow you to bookmark or save chat sessions. Look for options to do so within the interface.
  • Log out: For security purposes, especially if you’re on a shared device, always log out after your session.
  • Provide feedback: Most platforms, including ChatGPT, appreciate user feedback. This helps in refining the AI experience. If there’s a feedback option, consider leaving your thoughts.

Armed with this detailed guide, even someone with no experience with ChatGPT should be able to leverage its capabilities effectively. Remember, like all tools, the more you use it, the more proficient you’ll become in extracting valuable insights.

A Practical Example: Decoding Alphabet’s (GOOG) Stock Chart

Venturing into the world of stock trading often means navigating a sea of graphs, numbers, and trend lines. For both novices and seasoned traders alike, interpreting these charts is an essential skill. To demonstrate the potency of ChatGPT in this domain, let’s take a deep dive into a real-world example: Alphabet’s stock chart. 

Price Movement: Navigating Alphabet Inc’s Landscape

Starting off, the chart showcases Alphabet Inc’s daily price movement over a span of a year. Observing the price dynamics:

  • Significant Highs: The stock reached a pronounced high around the end of the timeline, touching a value close to $140.
  • Significant Lows: After September 2022, the stock faced a downward spiral, reaching its trough in December. The price then fluctuated and dipped slightly around February 2023 before embarking on an upward trajectory.
  • Overall Direction: Although the stock has seen volatility, the general movement, especially in the latter half, is upward, signaling positive momentum.

Trend: The Power of the 200-day Moving Average

The 200-day moving average (MA) is a popular tool among traders. This blue line smoothens price data to create a single flowing line, making it easier to identify the direction of the trend.

For Alphabet Inc:

  • Up to February 2023: The stock traded below the 200-day MA, indicating a bearish phase.
  • Post February 2023: The stock started trading above the MA, marking a bullish trend. Notably, there was a ‘golden cross’ moment when the stock price crossed the MA from below, a bullish signal for many traders.

Price Pattern: Reading Between the Lines

In the last six months, Alphabet Inc’s stock chart has shown a distinctive pattern:

  • Rounded Bottom Formation: Post the low of December 2022, the stock began its recovery in a pattern resembling the shape of a bowl or a rounded bottom. This formation typically signifies a reversal pattern, indicating the end of a bearish trend and the beginning of a bullish phase.

If you are satisfied with the analysis, you may want to ask additional questions. Follow-on prompts could ask ChatGPT to provide the short-term outlook for the chart. You could also request a trading strategy based on the chart asking for an outlook, a price target and a risk level. With this information, you could decide if the reward-to-risk ratio meets your objectives.

A few additional notes as of the end of October, 2023:

  1. In order to do this analysis you must be a paid subscriber to GPT4. It’s only $20 a month at this time – it will pay off in hundreds if not thousands of ways because of the additional functionality the paid version offers.
  2. Because this is so new, expect additional features to be added. Also, as with all Generative AI, it will get smarter and smarter over time.
  3. We strongly suggest overlaying your own research and strategies to the analysis. This is a great tool to add to your trading repertoire. In our experience using it, it from time to time points out additional patterns that add value to your chart reading. 


Trading is as much an art as it is a science. While tools like ChatGPT can provide valuable insights and interpretations of stock charts, it’s essential to combine this with other forms of analysis and, most importantly, sound judgment. The world of stocks is dynamic, but with the right tools and strategies, traders can navigate its waves more proficiently.

Using AI tools such as ChatGPT for chart interpretation is a glimpse into the future of trading – a blend of technology and human intuition. 

Test Your Mastery: How ChatGPT Decodes Stock Charts for Traders

Question 1: What does ChatGPT’s new image analysis feature allow it to do?

Question 2: What should you ensure when uploading a stock chart to ChatGPT for analysis?

Question 3: Which of the following is a specific query to guide ChatGPT’s analysis of a stock chart?

Question 4: What’s the benefit of cross-checking ChatGPT’s analysis with other sources?

Question 5: What’s the primary advantage of using AI like ChatGPT for stock chart analysis?

Further Learning: AI in Trading

For those eager to dive deeper into the integration of Artificial Intelligence in trading, here are highly recommended reads segmented by experience level:

Larry Connors, the Founder of, created the first in-depth course on trading with AI in October 2023, The name of the course is AI For Traders; Building a Highly Functional One-Person Quant HedgeFund

To learn more about the course, click here.

For Beginner Level Traders:

Artificial Intelligence Basics: A Non-Technical Introduction” by Tom Taulli

  • Description: An excellent start for anyone new to AI. This book breaks down complex AI topics into easy-to-understand terms, setting a foundation for further exploration in the context of trading..

For Advanced Traders:

Machine Learning for Algorithmic Trading: Predictive models to extract signals from market and alternative data for systematic trading strategies with Python” by Stefan Jansen

  • Description: A deep dive into the construction of AI algorithms for high-level trading strategies. This book is tailored for seasoned traders aiming to maximize their use of AI.

Big Data: How the Information Revolution Is Transforming Our Lives” by Brian Clegg

  • Description: Focusing on the era of big data, which drives many advanced AI trading strategies, this book provides insights into data’s role in transforming various industries, including finance.

Advances in Financial Machine Learning” by Marcos Lopez de Prado

  • Description: Building upon machine learning basics, this book delves into the application of AI technologies in financial scenarios, guiding readers through strategies and methods that can be directly applied to trading.

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