Crude Oil Rises In Volatile Trading

Energy futures experienced a volatile
trading day
, up early in the session, then selling off on the Natural
Gas inventory data, before a late rally. Only Natural Gas closed lower as the November contracts expired today.

The US Dollar Index closed lower on the session but Treasuries
managed to put at least a temporary halt to their recent slide.

The grains, softs and metals were mixed, livestock was lower.
Lumber closed limit-up and Cotton was the day’s biggest mover, in percentage

On the economic front; the Labor Department reported Initial
Jobless Claims fell to 328,000, better than the 340,000 forecast (more).
The Commerce Department reported Durable Goods Orders fell more than expected in
September. New Orders fell 2.1% versus expectations of a 1% fall (more).
New Home Sales rose 2.1% last month to 1.222 Mln.
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for more economic news and analysis.

TradingMarkets Commodities Watch List

Price Price Change % Change


Crude Oil (CL) 61.09

Heating Oil (HO) 190.13

Unleaded Gas (HU) 162.67

Natural Gas (NG) 13.68



Gold (GC) 475.70

Silver (SI) 784.00

Copper (HG) 180.40



Corn (C)


Wheat (W) 324.50

Soybeans (S) 583.50 0.00 0.00


Sugar (SB) 11.78 0.00 0.00
Coffee (KC) 100.15

Cocoa (CC) 1415.00

Frozen Orange Juice (JO) 115.70

Cotton (CT) 52.13

Lumber (LB) 304.40



Lean Hogs (LH) 59.45

Live Cattle (LC) 90.35


Economic News

Durable Goods Orders:

New Orders – Actual -2.1% Consensus -1.00%

Jobless Claims:

New Claims – Actual 328 K Consensus 340 K

Help Wanted Index:

Actual 39

New Home Sales:

Actual 1.222 Mln Consensus 1.250 Mln 

Ashton Dorkins