Day-Trading Options at Expiration with Jeff Augen, Part 2

Click here to access the conclusion of our Big Saturday Interview with options trader and author of Trading Options at Expiration: Strategies and Models for Winning the Endgame,
Jeff Augen.

In the first half of our conversation with Jeff Augen, we learned about how he became a full-time options trader and how the ability to devote so much time to studying and analyzing the options market enabled him to discover edges that many options traders and options strategies have missed. He shares with us some of these basic insights, which led to his ability to trade successfully and profitably on options expiration day.

In Part 2, Jeff Augen talks more about how the interplay of his relentless testing and his real-world trading experience helped him spot trading opportunities and strategies that might not have been apparent using either approach by itself. To end the interview, Jeff gives us some worthwhile thoughts on how traders can improve their success by approaching their trading in a more analytic, less “opinion” -based way.

Both Parts 1 and 2 of our conversation with Jeff Augen are included in this week’s Big Saturday Interview for those who missed the first half. Click here to access the interview.