Daytraders, focus on these sectors

Kevin Haggerty is a full-time professional trader who was
head of trading for Fidelity Capital Markets for seven years. Would you like
Kevin to alert you of opportunities in stocks, the SPYs, QQQQs (and
more) for the next day’s trading?
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for a free one-week trial to Kevin Haggerty’s Professional
Trading Service or call 888-484-8220 ext. 1. 

The two major indices
diverged last week
, with the SPX +0.6% and the $INDU -0.2%, while the
QQQQ was +0.6% and $COMPX +0.4%. Friday was a new 1290.68 intraday high and
close, 1288.22 (+0.2%) for the SPX in this current short-term oversold rally
from the longer-term moving average zone. There was also lots of other sequence
symmetry that made it a key price zone. This is outlined daily in the

Professional Trading Service
. The SPX bounced, as anticipated, from the
zone, and so was the new money put to work the first few days in June. 

NYSE volume on Friday was 1.57 billion shares,
Volume ratio 60 and breadth +889. The SPX was +0.2%, $INDU -0.1% to 11,248, with
the QQQQ -0.2% and Nasdaq -.02%. The 4 MA of the volume ratio was 60 and breadth
+633, while the SPX 5 RSI is still <80 at 64.90 and 55.80 for the Dow, so there
is more upside room before a short-term overbought condition. The SPX closed
above its 1286 .50RT to 1326.70 from the 1245.34 low, with the .618RT at
1295.62. The Dow closed at 11,248, with the intraday high at 11,285 on Friday.
The .50RT to the 11,670 bull cycle high is 11,350,  .618RT 11,425 and
.786RT 11,533. The energy sector was the primary percentage gainer last week,
with other percentage gain leadership coming from transportation, steel,
brokers, metals and a few defense stocks.  Continuing daytrading focus on
these sectors will provide the best opportunities for daytraders. There were
also some gains in many of the semiconductor stocks like
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, +9.8%,
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+5.0% and
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+4.2%, to name a few. The semis were extremely short-term
oversold going into last week.


First Hour Reversals strategies
, in addition to the

RST strategy
, continue to be the major source of daytrading profits. It
doesn’t matter how the major stocks exchanges make changes to execute order
flow, because the opening process is an absolute joke as long as the
pre-9:30AM futures nonsense is allowed to continue, as it provides a license to
steal. In fact, the more electronic they try to make stock execution, the bigger
joke the opening volatility becomes and the better it is for daytraders. Crude
oil has traded up on more of the on again/off again Iran noise, so it looks as
if it will be a weak opening as the S&P futures are -3.00 and Dow -28.00 at 7
AM, but of course that is subject to change. If the energy stocks gap up and
trade right up to the +1.5 – +2.0 volatility band, they will provide intraday
short opportunities.

Have a good trading day,

Kevin Haggerty