Did You Take This Trade?

Did you take this trade? Members of our Swing
Trading College did.
On Feb 22, the same day that the
market was down over 170 points; the very same day that Bloomberg news quoted a
$1.4 billion fund manager as saying “It’s going to be tough this year”, the
Swing Trading College
RS2/DW Method issued a buy signal on the close.

beauty of the system is that it kept us in the trade for only 3 days, exiting on
the close of Feb 25, and left us with a total gain of +27.25 points in the
e-mini S&P. And on the very same day we exited the trade, with the market
closing near its high, Bloomberg news quoted the head trader of the 5th
largest US securities firm as saying “People are starting to believe in the
market again.”

lets review: members of the Swing Trading College got long when
“It’s going to be a tough year” and took our profits when “People are starting
to believe in the market again.” What we teach at the College are solid, concise
methods backed by institutional quality research. We empower you with this
knowledge in order to protect your trading from being influenced by nothing more
than guesswork. Good luck and good trading.

Steve Primo


P.S. Join me for an intense 14-week swing trading program in which I’ll cover
six statistically-backed systems.

Click here
for the details.