Does Systematic Trading Work? You Be The Judge…

In past columns we’ve shared the concepts and
philosophy behind the

TradingMarkets Professional Swing Trading College
In fact, we’ve openly shared many of our trading signals with you as well! But
if you’re still not fully convinced of the value of this course, please have a
look at what a former student has to say:

Dear Guys,

I have just completed
the greatest 2½ weeks of trading ever! Given my work and travel schedule, it
took me until the middle of June to formalize a trading plan for my swing
trading account, and it wasn’t until June 22 that I placed my first trade. From
that point until yesterday (July 8), I made 22 trades, 20 of which were winners
(90.91%!!!!). Compared to the SPX, which was down .17%, I was up 4.61%. As good
as these results are, they are only part of the value I received from your

What I believe to be the greatest value I received is what your
training has done for my confidence. I have been grinding at the markets, mostly
unprofitably grinding, for over 8 years. So finding a system that I can have
confidence in and to help me address my underlying “fear” has been a priority.
The trading methods I have learned in STC are what I now use to trade a major
portion of my portfolio and I do so confidently. Not only did I learn methods,
but what you provided in terms of scans and research was phenomenal. Even though
you taught methods, you really provided an entry to doing my own research and
making my own decisions. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

And just because I always wanted to compare my earnings to the
cost of the class, I wanted to let you know that I have earned over 75% of the
cost of the swing trading tuition. And in 12 days!

Thanks Guys,

D.S. — Sacramento, CA

As systematic
traders, our confidence lies in the fact of knowing that all of our methods have
been quantified through years of extensive backtesting and research. Therefore,
all that is required of us is to simply follow the clear and concise entry and
exit rules. This is just one of the many systems we provide and teach you in the

TradingMarkets Professional Swing Trading College
What we teach at
the College are solid, concise methods backed by institutional quality research.
We empower you with this knowledge in order to protect your trading from being
influenced by nothing more than guesswork. Good luck and good trading.

Steve Primo