Get an Edge with the 2-Period RSI Indicator

TradingMarkets subscribers have access to
16 quantitative
stock indicators
and another

17 quantitative market bias indicators
. These indicators are derived from
our proprietary database that includes millions of trades, and designed to give
you a short-term trading edge.

Today, we’re going to open up a list for free, to give non-subscribers a
chance to see what they are missing.

Today’s free list is the

2-Period RSI Below 2

These are stocks that have a 2-period RSI reading below 2 and are trading
above their 200-day moving average. Our research shows that stocks
trading above their 200-day moving with a 2-period RSI reading below 2 have
shown positive returns, on average, 1-day, 2-days and 1-week later.

Historically, these stocks have provided traders with a significant edge. To
learn more about our research into stocks that have a 2-period RSI below 2, and
how to use this information,

click here

Let’s look at some charts from this list of stocks.

Johnson & Johnson
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has a PowerRating (for Traders) of 7.

CR |
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has a PowerRating (for Traders) of 8.

Both of these stocks are trading at extended conditions (OVERSOLD), which
have historically led to a rally in the next five trading days. Watch these
stocks for the next five days, and use our proprietary lists to gain a
historically quantified edge, every single day.