How to Find the Best ETFs to Trade Every Day: High Probability ETF Trading Software

On July 7th, our High Probability ETF Trading Software alerted traders to a potential trading opportunity in the increasingly oversold iShares FTSE/Xinhua China 25 Index ETF
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FXI Chart

Within a few days, FXI was up more than 2%, closing above its 5-day moving average and providing an exit signal on another profitable trade for high probability traders.

This is the type of high probability ETF trading that Larry Connors and Cesar Alvarez have introduced to the trading world through their latest book, High Probability ETF Trading. With simple, straightforward rules and high per trade win rates, these quantified, backtested ETF trading strategies may change the way traders look at short-term trading.

And now, high probability ETF traders have at their fingertips a powerful new online tool – High Probability ETF Trading Software – that will help them find the best, short-term edges every day in hundreds of exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

Click here to start your free, seven-day trial to our High Probability ETF Trading Software.

Using our High Probability ETF Trading Software, traders will be able to find edges in hundreds of equity index, country, sector and commodity based ETFs. These edges have proven correct more than 70% of the time in our historical backtesting, testing that goes back to as far as 1995 in the case of the S&P 500 ETF
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As just one example, take a look at the performance results from July 13th, as oversold conditions brought out a virtual tidal wave of buyers – and great profit-taking potential for traders using our High Probability ETF Trading Software:

Strategy: 3-Day High/3-Day Low

37 exits, 100% profitable, with an average return of 2.09%

Strategy: %b

58 exits, 55 profitable, with an average return of 1.18%

Strategy: TPS

52 exits, 48 profitable, with an average return of 1.58%

These are examples from just three of the seven strategies available to short term ETF traders using our High Probability ETF Trading Software.

Our High Probability ETF Trading Software may be just what you need to help make 2009 your best trading year yet. Click here to start your seven-day, free trial and see for yourself what high probability ETF trading can do for you.

David Penn is Editor in Chief at