Larry Connors Live: Professional ETF Trading Course Preview Today

When the going gets tough, the tough go pro … Professional ETF Trading, that is.

On Wednesday, October 26th, Larry Connors – author of High Probability ETF Trading and founder/CEO of – will give traders a preview of TWO Professional ETF Trading Courses to be offered this fall: ETF Trading and ETF Day Trading.

If you’ve been thinking about the growing opportunities in the ETF market for short-term traders, then Larry Connors’ special ETF trading presentation on Thursday is one you won’t want to miss.

Click here to register for Larry Connors’ free presentation on Professional ETF Trading and ETF Day Trading Courses!

The Professional ETF Trading Course is the most extensive program for trading exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that Larry and TradingMarkets have ever offered. From high probability ETF trading strategies to the fundamentals of building an ETF trading “business”, Larry Connors’ Professional ETF Trading Course will show traders how to take advantage of quantified, short-term edges in hundreds of widely-traded ETFs.

The Professional ETF Trading Course is geared toward traders looking to hold ETF positions for no more than 5-7 days. Beyond simple swing trading, strategies that will be taught as part of the Professional ETF Trading Course take maximum advantage of mean reversion and extreme market conditions to make short-term, high probability ETF trades. With trading techniques ranging from scaling-in to options, the Professional ETF Trading Course provides all the tools traders need in order to “trade like the pros” – buying weakness and selling strength over and over again.

For traders who want to open and close their positions intraday, the Professional ETF Day Trading Course will show traders how to spot the kinds of edges that develop intraday in the ETF market, as well as which trading strategies have tested to be the most effective in taking advantage of those intraday edges. Trading to both the long side and the short side, the strategies in Larry’s Professional ETF Day Trading Course have tested well in both bull markets and bear markets – a vital feature given the volatility of the post-2008 world.

The growth in the ETF market has provided a level of liquidity that makes exchange-traded funds more attractive than ever as vehicles for intraday trading. Based on the same fundamental understanding that is at the core of all high probability ETF trading (“buy the selling and sell the buying”), the Professional ETF Day Trading Course will show traders how best to adapt this quantified, time-tested understanding of how markets really work to the specific challenges and opportunities of trading in an intraday timeframe.

Find out for yourself what high probability, professional ETF trading is all about. Click here to register for Larry Connors’ special, online presentation on the Professional ETF Trading and ETF Day Trading Courses, on Thursday, October 22nd at 4:30 p.m. ET at

David Penn is Editor in Chief at