More Cash Out There

Volatility has coiled up even more. Volatility reverts to its mean which means higher volatility is likely due soon. Yesterday’s steady climb from the early day sell-off is a sign that there’s more cash out there ready to get put to work.

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Last Chance to Register!

Are you looking to learn how to program in AmiBroker? Or, do already program in AmiBroker and want to learn new and advanced ways to use this powerful backtesting tool?

If yes, we’re happy to announce we are offering two AmiBroker training classes in June. These classes will be taught by Matt Radtke, the Director of Research of Connors Research.

For more details on each of these training classes, please click the link which best describes you.

Yes, I am new to AmiBroker and want to learn how to professionally backtest my strategies and get their nightly signals

Yes, I am an experienced AmiBroker programmer who is looking to learn new and advanced programming skills to improve my trading results.