More Leveraged ETF Trading Opportunities for Traders

The world of trading ETFs in now going to get even more interesting!

A new firm, FactorETF Trust has just filed to allow for leveraged ETFs to be traded versus the returns of the broader market. Index Universe has written the best story on this and you can read it here.

After reading this you can only imagine the opportunities this will bring. I’ll have more on this as these ETFs get closer to launch date.

Special Note: I’ll be conducting a 2 1/2 day High Probability ETF Trading Seminar in mid-August. If you’d like to attend a free online presentation of the ETF Trading Seminar, please call 1-888-484-8220 ext 1 or click here to register for Tuesday’s or Wednesday’s presentation which will be held at 4:30 pm.

The free presentation will run about 30-40 minutes and will include directional ETF trading, trading leveraged ETFs, day trading ETFs, building ETF trading portfolios, along with a number of additional ETF trading strategies.

Larry Connors is CEO and Founder of and Connors Research.