New Trading Book

Traders have been using VIX for over 20 years, and Larry Connors & ConnorsResearch  have been testing it for almost as long. The strategy in their new guidebook has consistently identified oversold SPY conditions for 20 years as well.CR-VIXSPY-CRSI

The VIX is most effective when you use it as a dynamic indicator.

What does a dynamic indicator mean? It means that instead of using a static level, you are looking at its price based on where it’s been in the recent past. Where is the VIX today relative to where it has been over the past couple of days? This single approach has been found most effective and as you will see in this guidebook, it has correctly predicted the short-term direction of the S&P 500 more than 78% of the time for over twenty years.

Now for the first time, we are making this strategy, a fully quantified approach to trading, available to the public.

This new research will be published in the next guidebook in our Connors Research Trading Strategy Series: Trading SPY with VIX & ConnorsRSI. 

Consistent Trading Results

Back-testing has demonstrated that ConnorsRSI provides a large and quantified edge when applied in a systematic manner.

The strategy in this guidebook can be traded exactly as detailed or you can view this as a starting point for your own research. There are literally hundreds of potential variations you can use. By adjusting the input variables described in the rules, you can customize the strategy to match your trading preferences.

The strategy in this guidebook has been correct over 83% of the time in bull market years since 1994 and over 78% correct in bear market years. As you will see throughout this guidebook, the strategy has had large quantified edges when applied in a systematic manner.

Take a look at the fully quantified test results from 1994 to 2013 below. As you can see this strategy is effective in both bull and bear markets.


Here is What You Will Receive…

in Trading SPY with VIX & ConnorsRSI:

  • The exact trading rules. This is not a black box – full disclosure of the rules is given to you.
  • How to identify the best set-ups.
  • How to select the best entry levels that fit your trading style.
  • Where to exactly place your orders each day.
  • Where and when to exactly exit your orders.

For Options Traders
Trading SPY with VIX & ConnorsRSI is right for you if you trade options. The historical returns have been strong and professional traders understand the power of applying options to their equity trading. 

Click Here to Order Trading SPY with VIX & ConnorsRSI

Whether you swing trade or trade options, Trading SPY with VIX & ConnorsRSI will make you a better, more resourceful trader.