Start fresh–here’s how
Timothy J. Truebenbach is the President of True Capital Management and
general partner of True Capital Partners LP, a hedge fund. He uses a
disciplined model that trades on the intermediate-term time frame. For a
free trial to Tim’s Nightly Stock Analysis Report
href=”https://tradingmarkets.comsubscriptions/details.cfm?item=5915&subcat=it”>click here or call 888-484-8220 ext. 1.
market is ending 2005 with very little of the
fanfare of rallies, declines and
subsequent rally we saw for most of the fourth quarter. All is quiet as it
appears to be working through a normal, healthy correction from the rally we saw
since mid-October.
Most of the leading groups,
Semis (SMH), Biotech (BBH) and Internets (HHH), etc; are following the market’s
Overall, the market remains in
a confirmed uptrend as we had a follow-through day on 10/19 and have yet to see
any significant distribution, or professional selling. After strong gains, it
is prudent to fill your portfolio with leading areas of the market rather than
short-selling or remaining in cash. We have recommended this for most of the
fourth quarter in our trading service and it has paid off well.
With only one day remaining in
the trading of 2005, it is a great time to clean out our desks, our portfolios
from lagging stocks and get prepared for a new year. Use this once-a-year
opportunity to start fresh, regardless of your results from 2005. Take out a
clean sheet of 8.5 x 11 inch paper or a 3 x 5 note card and write down the
investing and financial goals you would like to accomplish by 12/31/2006. Post
this note in front of your workspace and make sure you review it often.
As you move into the New Year I
am sure you will find the success you are looking for. Happy New Year!
Tim Truebenbach
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